The Pre-K class went outside to splatter the paint on paper. We talked about various techniques we could use to splatter that might minimize getting paint on selves or others such as keeping the brush low and aiming the paint at the paper. The brush should always be below our heads. Some of the children even tried drizzling the paint over the paper for another cool effect. We used many colors and got some amazing results.
Look at how beautiful this splatter painting is!
Here's another.
And another.
We went with a canvas for the toddlers. I set up these various colors in bowls and some smaller brushes. I showed them how to splatter the paint.
Surprisingly, most of the time, they just wanted to paint.
We still ended up with a part splatter painting.
Here are the preschoolers also doing a combination of splatter painting and brush painting.
I love the splash of color and the surprise of what the final product will be with splatter painting.