Monday, October 21, 2013

Fine Motor Activity- Tiny Clothespins on the Weave Board

Here is a new way I've found to use the Weave Board in the art room. 
I cut out little clothes from felt and found these little clothespins at the dollar store.  It is a challenge for some of the children to pinch the clothes pin as well as to attach the clothes to the line with the clothes pin.  It's turning out to be a great fine motor activity.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Color Wheel part 2

We did color wheels last year but we used art materials to add to the wheel.  This year, I thought we'd do it differently.
The children mixed the colors on the color wheel so that one color would blend into another.  We were careful to keep the colors in the area they came from so we would have varying colors

The children added photographs from an old calendar I had.  It had some beautiful, bright photographs of places and people from all over the world.  

We practiced cutting as we went and enjoyed finding a place for all the beautiful photos. 

Monday, October 14, 2013

Graph Paper Art

I saw this great activity on
The kids had so much fun creating little pictures but also making patterns and designs. 

These are all the various graph papers I printed out from