Monday, May 26, 2014

Object Rubbings using Chalk Pastels

Chalk Pastels is one of those materials that we rarely use in the art studio.  I don't know why and I definitely should bring them out more often because the kids love them. 
For this lesson, I taped these metal grid samples to the table and covered them with butcher paper.  Some had very small grids while others were large and the pattern on each is different. Running the pastels over the paper left cool grid patterns. 

For this lesson, I put a bunch of objects I found in the art studio that were flat-crafts sticks, stencils, shape buttons, doilies, Lego boards, etc. The children enjoyed discovering what was on the table by rubbing the pastels against the whole surface. 

It's always fun to let them guess what is under the paper and at the very end, we lift up the paper for the big reveal.  We discuss what we found and what we didn't find and why

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